Exploring Masculinity and Men’s Groups in Prague October, 2018

Raise your hand if you can read this book cover! I couldn’t, and it’s my book. The book is “Breaking the Male Code.” It was picked up by psychologist Martin Jara and published in the Czech Republic.

Martin and I have had some lovely conversations about the status of men and masculinity in the US and Czech Republic. There are some fascinating similarities as well as differences. We both agreed that in the age of #MeToo and feminism we had a lot to talk about.

Along with my cotherapist and friend Jake Kriger, I will be meeting with Martin in Prague on October 4,5 to present our ideas and to learn from the men in his group and workshops. We’re very excited.
I’ll keep you all posted.40337759_10156506042238363_4590488263172554752_n

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